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Here at Lab Unlimited, we offer a variety of flowmeters for your every need! There are a range of Alicat flow meters we can provide from Mass Flow Meters to Liquid Flow Meters, as well as our own brand Lab Unlimited GC Gas Flow Meters.

The Alicat Mass Flow Meters are easy-to-use, benefit-rich, laminar pressure-based instruments that feature fast response and linear accuracy with NIST-traceable calibration. The Alicat Liquid Flow Meters are designed with laboratory research and process automation in mind. These instruments feature fast response times and utilize the same principles of laminar flow that drive our gas mass flow meters and controllers.

The Lab Unlimited GC Gas Flow Meters allow you to verify your gas flow processes in real time, giving you simultaneous flow and pressure readings and improving validation efficiency. They ensure laboratory-grade flow verification on the palm of your hand and are extremely cost effective.

Measurement Speed

Volumetric measurements rely upon the volume of gas passing through the flowmeter but not the composition. Additionally, volumetric flowmeters accurately measure from a mixed or multi-component gas stream. Mass flowmeters are calibrated to specific gas compositions and determine the flow rate for those calibrated gases. Mass measurements are independent of temperature and pressure.

With volumetric flowmeters, no adjustments are needed when switching from one gas stream to a different composition stream. So, an analyst can immediately change from measuring nitrogen from a GC detector to helium split rate from an injection port to methane from an anaerobic digestion vessel. If a mass flowmeter is used, the analyst must change instrument settings and purge the flowmeter of the initial gas before accurate readings can be taken.

Ease of Use

When setting gas flows with many flowmeters, the analyst often needs more than two hands to hold and start the flowmeter. With continuous flow readings, the analyst does not have to start or stop the flowmeter with each measurement.

Flow Rate Range

Low flow rates? No problem (down to 0.1 mL/min). Very high flow rates? No problem (up to 25 L/min). A wide range of flow rates? No problem (0.10-1000 mL/min using a single flowmeter).


Lab Unlimited accurately calibrate all flowmeters to NIST-traceable standards. If there are any issues, we have an in-house service team that can assist you with any queries you have or any problems that may arise in the duration of owning your flowmeter!

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