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VISOCOLOR® reagent case and photometer

VISOCOLOR® ECO reagent case
For mobile use with test instructions for visual determination, analytical accessories and the following tests:
Ammonium 0.2 - 3mg/L NH4+ / Carbonate Hardness 1 drop = 1.25°e / total hardness 1 drop = 1.25°e / Nitrate 1 - 120mg/L NO3- / Nitrite 0.02 - 0.5mg/L NO2- / pH 4.0 - 9.0 / Phosphate 0.2 - 5mg/L P

VISOCOLOR® reagent case for soil analysis
The VISOCOLOR® reagent case for soil analysis is the perfect companion for economical, fast and convenient soil analysis, both in the field or in your laboratory, including the following tests:
QUANTOFIX® test strips: Ammonium 10 - 400mg/L NH4+ / Nitrate / Nitrite 10 - 500mg/L NO3-/ 1 - 80mg/L NO2- / VISOCOLOR® ECO test kits: Potassium 2 - 15mg/L K+ / VISOCOLOR® HE test kits: pH 4.0 - 10.0 / Phosphate 1.0 - 20.0mg/L P / pH-Fix test strip: pH 2.0 - 9.0

VISOCOLOR® School reagent case
The VISOCOLOR® SCHOOL reagent case is especially designed for schools and caters to the needs of both students and teachers. All reagents are approved to be used in schools in Germany (GUV - SR 2004 directive) and can be disposed of easily just down the drain without any harm to the environment.
Ammonium 0.2 - 3mg/L NH4+, Nitrate 1 - 90mg/L NO3-, Nitrite 0.02 - 0.5mg/L NO2-, Phosphate 0.5 - 15mg/L P, pH pH 4.0 - 9.0, Total hardness 1 drop = 17.8mg/L CaCO3

VISOCOLOR® Reagent case for environmental analysis with photometer PF-12Plus:
User guidance in 12 languages (DE, EN, FR, ES, IT, NL, HU, PL, PT, CZ, ID, SL, TR, MY)
For determination of VISOCOLOR® ECO Ammonium 15, VISOCOLOR® HE Carbonate hardness C 20, VISOCOLOR® ECO Iron 2, VISOCOLOR® HE total-Hardness H 20 F, VISOCOLOR® ECO Nitrate, VISOCOLOR® ECO Nitrite, VISOCOLOR® ECO pH 4.0-9.0 and VISOCOLOR® ECO Phosphate

Specifications PF-12Plus:
Light source:


Xenon lamp
Silicon photo-element
Display:Backlit graphic display, 128 x 64 pixels
All important data at a glance: Result in respective unit, date, time, sample number, sample location and dilution
Operation:Display user guidance, plastic foil keyboard
Test selection via parameter lists.
Long-term stability:
< 0.002A/h
USB 2.0
Power supply:Via USB power supply, standard or rechargeable batteries or Akkupack
215 x 100 x 65mm
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