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Home > Laboratory > Life Sciences > Molecular Cell Biology > GPCR ORF Clones > Canvax G protein-coupled Receptor 37 G0641-A

Canvax G protein-coupled Receptor 37 G0641-A

Canvax G protein-coupled Receptor 37 G0641-A


G protein-coupled Receptor 37, ExpressMAX™ Human GPCR ORF Clones

It incorporates seven transmembrane domains and is found in cell and endoplasmic reticulum membranes. GPCRs are involved in translating outside signals into G protein mediated intracellular effects. The gene product interacts with Parkin and is involved in juvenile Parkinson disease.

Main Features:

Native structure. Wide range: A large collection of ExpressMAX™ GPCR ORF Clones availables. Highest levels of GPCR expression: on surface cell lines, > 50% of TAG detection by cytometry. Wide spectrum: of strong constitutive promoters. Complete solution: it contains all necessary elements for maximum receptor expression. Ready-to-use solution: avoids cloning steps, DNA ready to transfect. Easy protocol and detection: the whole procedure is simple, with minimal handling. Neomycin resistance. Ampicillin bacterial selection.

Includes: Includes for 15 µg: ExpressMAX™ GPCR ORF Clones (Cat. No. -A & B) - 15 µg ExpressMAX™ Mammalian Expression Vector (1 mg/mL) Mammalian Transfection Kits (Cat. No. -PLUS): - 15 µg ExpressMAX™ Mammalian Expression Vector (1 mg/mL) - 0.2 mL CANFAST™ Transfection Reagent (15 µg = 15 assays)

Applications: Functional assays, as protein immobilization, cellular localization and other functional assays. High-throughput and large scale protein production and purification. Reverse transfection arrays and nucleic acid programmable protein arrays (NAPPA).

Format: 15 µL
Shipping conditions: Dry Ice
Storage Conditions: -20 ºC
Manufacturer P/nG0641 - A
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