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Home > Laboratory > Life Sciences > Molecular Cell Biology > DNA & RNA Extraction > Magnetic Bead-Based Purification > Canvax HigherPurity™ DNA Purification SPRI Magnetic Beads AN363

Canvax HigherPurity™ DNA Purification SPRI Magnetic Beads AN363

Canvax HigherPurity™ DNA Purification SPRI Magnetic Beads AN363


HigherPurity™ DNA Purification SPRI Magnetic Beads, highly efficient, versatile & easily automated pcr purification system based on spri technology

HigherPurity™ DNA Purification SPRI Magnetic Beads System is a highly efficient, versatile and easily automated PCR Purification system based on solid-phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) paramagnetic bead technology for PCR amplicon Purification. SPRI beads work by binding DNA reversibly to carboxyl-coated paramagnetic particles, allowing for high recovery of DNA using a quick and simple procedure. The Magnetic beads are pre-formulated with an optimized buffer to selectively bind DNA fragments of 100 bp and larger. Excess salts, enzymes, primers and nucleotides can be removed through a simple washing procedure.

Main Features:

Optimized: selectively bind DNA fragments of 100bp and larger. Highly Efficient removal of Primers, Primer-dimers, dNTPs, salts, enzymes and other impurities. Easy-to-use: in manual and automated in 96- or 384-well formats. Fast protocol: in comparison with traditional Clean-up methods. Time-saving Process: avoid centrifugation/filtration steps.

Includes: Includes for 60 mL: - 60 mL HigherPurity™ DNA Purification SPRI Magnetic Beads. (sufficient for the Purifications of 1,666 samples of 20 µL or 6,667 samples of 5 µL).

Applications: PCR. Sequencing. Fragment Analysis. Genotyping. Cloning. NGS Library preparation.

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