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Home > Life Science > Virus Research > Genomics > DNA Electrophoresis > Mini Horizontal electrophoresis pack Cleaver Scientific MSMINIDUO-NANO30

Mini Horizontal electrophoresis pack Cleaver Scientific MSMINIDUO-NANO30

Mini Horizontal electrophoresis pack Cleaver Scientific MSMINIDUO-NANO30

PART NO: 4AJ-7971555
Price: €1,120.91

Mini Horizontal electrophoresis pack With starter KIT incl. CSL-AG100, CSL-LOADDYE CSL-MDNA-1kb, MSMINIDUO-NANA300

Gel electrophoresis tank multiSUB Mini
The multiSUB Mini is the smallest unit in the range, designed for low to medium numbers of samples. The cost-effective small gel size does not compromise versatility as two tray options are available: 7 x 7 cm and 7 x 10 cm. Easy preparation up to 16 samples. Simply by altering the gel tray or comb, this compact unit is capable of resolving up to 64 different samples, prepping 1ml of sample or separating sample bands over a distance of 9 cm.

Supplied with:
MultiSUB Mini 7: 7 x 7 cm UV Tray, 2 x 8 sample combs.
MultiSUB Mini 10: 7 x 10 cm UV Tray, 2 x 8 sample combs.
MultiSUB Mini DUO: 7 x 7 cm and 7 x 10 cm UV Tray, 2 x 8 sample combs.
Set: MultiSUB Mini DUO + Power supply OmniPAC, MINi 300 V 400mA 60 W, 110/230 V
Each model has an additional loading guides and dams.

Product Specification:
Gel dimensions (W x L) : 7 x 7cm and 7 x 10cm
Unit dimensions (W x L x H): 21 x 9 x 9cm
Max. sample capacity: 7 x 7cm tray, 32 samples
7 x 10cm tray, 64 samples
Buffer volume: 225ml
Description: MS Mini DUO Nano 300 incl. CSL-AG100, CSL-Loaddye, CSL-MDNA-1kb
Sample volume: µl

Catalogue Number7.971 555
ManufacturerCleaver Scientific
Manufacturer P/nMSMINIDUO-NANO30
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