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Home > Laboratory > Microbiology > Swabs > LLG-Dry Swab with Cotton Tip 9404004

LLG-Dry Swab with Cotton Tip 9404004

LLG-Dry Swab with Cotton Tip 9404004

PART NO: 4AJ-9404004
Price: €54.57

And wooden stick
Length 150mm
Individually wrapped
Pack of 1000

LLG-Dry Swab with Rayon Tip 9404006
PART NO: 4AJ-9404006
Price: €58.46
LLG-Dry Swab with Clear Amies Medium 9404007
PART NO: 4AJ-9404007
Price: €42.38
Isolab Graduated Pipettes 1ml Class AS 360mm 021.01.001
PART NO: 4AJ-9272250
Price: €3.46
Isolab Graduated Pipettes 2ml Class AS 360mm 021.01.002
PART NO: 4AJ-9272251
Price: €3.46
Isolab Graduated Pipettes 5ml Class AS 360mm 021.01.005
PART NO: 4AJ-9272252
Price: €3.46
Isolab Graduated Pipettes 10ml Class AS 360mm 021.01.010
PART NO: 4AJ-9272253
Price: €3.78

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