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The Tintometer Colour Grading Kit 433250

The Tintometer Colour Grading Kit 433250

PART NO: 4AJ-9947335
Price: €1,956.21
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 5 weeks)

AF325 10 - 250 mg Pt/l

Lovibond® Nessleriser Systems, Pt-Co/Hazen/APHA Scale
For colour grading of clear, light yellow liquids such as clear oils, chemicals, petrochemicals and water. Each system covers a set measuring range and includes:
-A visual comparator instrument with a long path length, ensuring good sensitivity and accuracy when grading pale coloured samples.
-A selection of Pt-Co/APHA colour standards; stable-coloured glass filters in test discs, which have been precalibrated to give direct Pt-Co Colour readings over set measuring ranges.
-A standardised bench-top light source to ensure constant and uniform lighting conditions for colour matching and therefore consistent and accurate readings.
-Nessler cylinders of the appropriate path length.
Model Apparatus included
AF 329: Nessleriser 2150 with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and 113mm (50ml) Nessler cylinders, Nessleriser 2250 upgrade with 250mm Nessler cylinders, Pt-Co discs CAA (0 to 30mg Pt/l) CAB (30 to 70mg Pt/l), NSB (70 to 250mg Pt/l), stand for using Nessleriser with natural light.
AF 325: Nessleriser 2150 with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and 113mm (50ml) Nessler cylinders, Pt-Co discs NSH (10 to 90mg Pt/l), NSB (70 to 250mg Pt/l), stand for using Nessleriser with natural light.
AF 328: Nessleriser 2250 with Daylight 2000 Lighting Unit and 250mm Nessler cylinders, Pt-Co discs CAA (0 to 30mg Pt/l), CAB (30 to 70mg Pt/l), stand for using Nessleriser with natural light.

Product Specification:
Product Type: AF 325
Pt-Co range 10 - 250 mg Pt/l

Catalogue Number9.947 335
ManufacturerThe Tintometer
Manufacturer P/n433250
Fisher Ref3420297
VWR Ref633-0021
Colour scalePt-Co 10 - 250 mg Pt/l
TypeAF 325
Thermo Fisher:3420297
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