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DNA Away 250ml Thermo 7010

DNA Away 250ml Thermo 7010

PART NO: 4AJ-6228401
Price: €24.63
Qty In Stock: 49

Molecular BioProducts™ RNase AWAY® and DNA AWAY® Surface Decontaminant
Eliminates unwanted DNA and DNase from glassware and plasticware without affecting subsequent DNA samples
Degrades DNA more quickly and effectively than autoclaving.

Product Specification:
Product Type: MBP DNA Away®
Capacity: 250ml
Package: Flask

Catalogue Number6.228 401
Manufacturer P/n7010
Alternative RefDNAAWAY
Recommended application areaSurface disinfection
TypeMBP DNA Away®
Type of packagingBottle
Capacity ml250
Alternative Reference:DNAAWAY

Ritter Tubes 8Er-Stripe 45000-0008
PART NO: 4AJ-7632625
Price: €61.91

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