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Home > Laboratory > Sample Preparation > Sample Homogenisation > Dispersers > Counting chamber, Improved Neubauer > Glaswarenfabrik Karl Hecht Neubauer Improved Counting Chamber 442/72

Glaswarenfabrik Karl Hecht Neubauer Improved Counting Chamber 442/72

Glaswarenfabrik Karl Hecht Neubauer Improved Counting Chamber 442/72

PART NO: 4AJ-9161078
Price: €33.95
Qty In Stock: 8


Counting chamber, Improved Neubauer
With double ruling. Calibratable.
Cell depth 0.1mm. Counting grid with 9 large squares each 1mm2. The 4 large squares in the corners for counting leucocytes are each subdivided into 16 squares with a side length of 0.25mm. The large square in the middle is subdivided into 25 squares each with a side length of 0.2mm. Each of these is further subdivided into 16 smaller squares each with a side length of 0.05mm and an area of 0.0025mm2. The 5 group squares marked with an 'E' are used to count thrombocytes and erythrocytes. All group squares have triple boundary lines on each side.

Product Specification:
Product Type: Without snap-on clips

Catalogue Number9.161 078
ManufacturerKarl Hecht
Manufacturer P/n40442702
Alternative RefNEUBAUERIM
VGKL RefVG191832412
VWR RefHECH442/72
Depth chamber mm0.1
With snap-on clipsNo
Grid rulingDouble
Counting chamber according toNeubauer improved
Alternative Reference:NEUBAUERIM
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