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Sucrose Brix Standard 30 percent Reagecon Diagnostics BS30S

Sucrose Brix Standard 30 percent Reagecon Diagnostics BS30S

PART NO: 4AJ-6258368
Price: €80.56
Your Discount: 5%
Offer Price: €76.53
Qty In Stock: 3

This standard has an uncertainty in measurement of ± 0.11% and is stable for a year whether it is open or unopened. This standard is presented in a convenient 15ml dropped bottle and the product is prepared gravimetrically on a weight/weight basis. The solute and solvent are weighed on a balance calibrated by OIML traceable weights.

Sucrose (Brix) Standards
Certified stabilized Sucrose (Brix) Standards.
-Test results are ISO17025 accredited with an uncertainty of measurement of 0.11% for all Brix values
-Nominal Refractive Index values are taken from the ICUMSA published tables
-The Brix value of the standard is verified using a high performance calibrated, temperature controlled refractometer
-Can be used with any brand of Refractometer
-Extended shelf life of 1 year
-Convenient high quality dropper bottle

Product Specification:
Brix: 30 %
Refractive Index at 20 °C: 1.381149

Catalogue Number6.258 368
ManufacturerReagecon Diagnostics
Manufacturer P/nBS30S
Refractive Index at 20 °C1.381149 nD
Brix %30
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