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Home > Laboratory > Optical instruments and Microscopes > Photometer > Colour Measurement > Cells W600 > The Tintometer Optical Glass Cell W600/Og/25 605990

The Tintometer Optical Glass Cell W600/Og/25 605990

The Tintometer Optical Glass Cell W600/Og/25 605990

PART NO: 4AJ-6241234
Price: €66.21
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 4 weeks)

Path Length 25mm

Cells W600
Cells made of optical glass or Borosilicate glass 3.3, 21mm x 40mm, for instument Models Fs, PFXi/PFX195, 880, 950 and 995. (Note: PFXi/PFX-195 max. path length 50mm).

W600/OG/xx for unheated samples (up to 40 °C)
W600/B/xx for heated samples (up to max. 100 °C)

Further versions available on request.

Product Specification:
Product Type: W600/OG/25
Path length: 25mm
Material: optical glass

Catalogue Number6.241 234
ManufacturerThe Tintometer
Manufacturer P/n605990
VWR Ref633-0026
Materialoptical glass
Path length mm25

The Tintometer Cuvette W600/OG/10 605960
PART NO: 4AJ-6207120
Price: €57.67

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