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Home > Chromatography > SPE > CHROMAFIX® PS > Macherey-Nagel Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges 731867

Macherey-Nagel Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges 731867

Macherey-Nagel Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges 731867

PART NO: 4AJ-4003866
Price: €227.00
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Averagecontent of sorbent: 230mg
Pack of 50

The innovative cation exchanger offers:

mixed-mode SPE phase with distinct cation exchange and RP properties
excellent enrichment of basic analytes
modern support polymer with optimised pore structure and large specific surface
good reproducibility, reliable and cost-efficient analyses
more aggressive washing procedures for matrix removal possible
cleaner samples and protection of analytical HPLC and GC instrumentation
quantificationof analytes from heavily contaminated samples
lower limits of detection also for critical matrices

... the perfect fit for basic analytes in comination with CHROMABOND® HR-X

Product Specification:
Phase: PS-H+
Size: S
Capacity: 230 mg

Catalogue Number4.003 866
Manufacturer P/n731867
VWR RefMANA731867
Capacity mg230

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