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Knick Electronic Pt-1000 Temperature Sensor ZU 6959

Knick Electronic Pt-1000 Temperature Sensor ZU 6959

PART NO: 4AJ-9774421
Price: €255.59
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 1 week)

Laboratory conductivity meter model 703, accessories

Parts In Range:
ZU 6985: 4-pole conductivity probe with integral temperature sensor.
ZU 6945: Calibration solution for analysis and control of cell constant (1 ampoule produces 1 litre of 0.1 N salt solution).
ZU 6959: PT 1000 temperature sensor for rapid response temperature measurements (stainless steel, -10 to +100 °C).
ZU 6954: Support stand for holding immersion stirrer and 3 probes, with attachment directly to conductivity meter
ZU 0152: Interface cable for connection of model 703 to a computer (EMC compatible special cable).
ZU 0245: Interface cable for connection of model 703 to a printer (EMC compatible special cable).
ZU 0244: Lab printer.

Part Description: ZU 6959

Catalogue Number9.774 421
Manufacturer P/nZU 6959
Fisher Ref3390992
VWR Ref662-3532
For766 / 765 / 703
TypeZU 6959
Temp. range °C-10 ... 100
Thermo Fisher:3390992

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