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Home > Laboratory > Life Sciences > Microbiology > Cultivation > Cotton Swabs > Heinz Herenz Cotton swabs WA 7, 80x2.5mm 1032128

Heinz Herenz Cotton swabs WA 7, 80x2.5mm 1032128

Heinz Herenz Cotton swabs WA 7, 80x2.5mm 1032128

PART NO: 4AJ-7615467
Price: €21.20
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 2 weeks)

Cotton swabs WA 7, 80x2.5mm bilateral cotton head, PP rod ca.80x2.5mm, pack of 2000

Catalogue Number7.615 467
ManufacturerHeinz Herenz
Manufacturer P/n1032128
Alternative RefWATTESTÄBC
VWR RefTONB20-0452-U100
Head size mm4-5 x 12
Length mm80
TypeWA 7 PL
MaterialPP, double bud
Alternative Reference:WATTESTÄBC
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