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Peltier-cooled incubators IPPplus

Heating and cooling seamlessly with one system thanks to Peltier technology. In this respect, cooled incubators IPP not only contribute to climate protection, but it also achieves an additional decrease in operating costs of up to 90% compared to compressor technology.

  • Extremely quiet, vibration-free and space saving as no compressor is required
  • No condensation in the interior chamber: due to the closed Peltier cooling system no outside air is exchanged
  • LED light module for sizes 110 to 750 (as an option): dimmable LED light in three alternative colour temperatures (cold white light, warm white light or cold white and warm white light, dimmable in steps of 1 %)

TwinDISPLAY: ControlCOCKPIT with two colour displays
You can find a detailed description of the "TwinDISPLAY" model at

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