Base material: Nano-K silica 60, specific surface (BET) 500 m²/g, mean pore size 60 Å, specific pore volume 0.75 ml/g, particle size 2 to 10 µm; for preparative plates (1 mm thickness of layer) standard silica 60, particle size 5 to 17 µm, pH stability 2 to 10 indicator: acid-resistant product with a pale blue fluorescence for short-wave UV (254 nm); UV-absorbing substances apppear as dark-blue to black spots on a light-blue background; partial octadecyl modification, wettable with water, carbon content 14 %. 18-100 normal phase or reversed phase separation modes with eluents from anhydrous solvents to mixtures with high concentrations of water (see figure); the relative polarity of the eluent determines the polarity of the layer.
Recommended application: aminophenols, barbiturates, preservatives, nucleobases, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, steroids, tetracyclines, plasticizers (phthalates).
Available as glass plates with or without fluorescent indicator (UV 254).
Glass plates available on request.
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers
TLC silica layers