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Portable dissolved oxygen meter Oxi 3310

Comfortable and versatile DO meter with integral, time controlled, data logger and memory for 5000 GLP compliant records for extended data collection. Menu controlled, with backlit graphics display for comfortable and safe operation. Calibration against external standards possible. Automatic temperature, barometric pressure and salinity compensation. 100 % waterproof, USB interface for fast data transfer. Includes driver software and cable.

Measuring ranges:
O2 concentration:0.00 to 19.99mg/l (19.9mg/l*)
0.0 to 90.0mg/l (90mg/l*)
O2 saturation:0.0 to 199.9% (199%*)
0 to 600%
Temperature:-5.0 to 50.0°C
* when using DurOx oxygen sensor probes
O2 concentration:± 0.5% of reading
O2 saturation:± 0.5% of reading
Memory:5000 records (measured value, temperature, date, time, ID)
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