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Peltier-cooled incubator IPPecoplus

Thanks to the sophisticated Advanced Peltier Technology from Memmert, the IPPeco is the most energy-efficient and simultaneously the most powerful cooled incubator of its kind.
Compared to similar appliances, its heat-up, cool down and recovery times are much shorter.
The Peltier-cooled incubator saves on operating costs, ensures sample quality and makes work in a microbiological laboratory significantly more efficient.

  • 9 model sizes (32 to 2140 litres volume)
  • 2 model variants: SingleDISPLAY and TwinDISPLAY
  • Double doors as standard with fully insulated stainless steel, inside glass: prevention of contamination and drops or rises in temperature, and at the same time an optimal view of the sensitive load through wide-area interior glass doors (size 1400/2200 stainless steel doors with glass sector; sizes 750, 1060 and 1400 two leaves, size 2200 three leaves)
  • Fans integrated in the Peltier elements ensure rapid energy transfer and optimum temperature distribution

TwinDISPLAY: ControlCOCKPIT with two colour displays
You can find a detailed description of the "TwinDISPLAY" model at

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