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Viscosity Standards

Brookfield Ametek Viscosity Standards provide a convenient, reliable way to verify the calibration of your Brookfield Laboratory Viscometer/Rheometer.

Available as either silicone or oil, these Newtonian standards are a traceable part of calibration verification - an important component of many certifying quality systems like ISO, ASHTO, etc.

Viscosity standards are used to check the accuracy of your viscometer to ensure that the viscosity measurements, or the QC testing results specification, are always going to be correct, reliable and therefore accepted by the QC lab.


Silicone, Oil, Standard or Custom Order?

The range of Brookfield Ametek Viscosity Standards is quite wide and selecting the right one for your application might be somewhat difficult. There are a few things you need to know and consider when purchasing a standard for your viscometer.

For example, silicone or oil? Or how many standards do you need, and how often do you replace them?

All these and more of your Viscosity Standards burning questions are answered on our Standards FAQ page.

Also, be sure to check out our article on how Viscosity Standards Help to Avoid Production Downtimes.

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