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Online Turbidity Meter

Online Turbidity Meter

Turbidity is the key measurement parameter for determining the quality of drinking water. Lovibond® Tintometer® have created the PTV Series, the next generation of online turbidity measurement, to address all the key issues that users were struggling with in their current turbidity systems. They hired a team of globally recognised turbidity experts to make these advancements along with state-of-the-art communication and user interface. When developing the PTV Series, every aspect of the process turbidity workflow – from installation, setup, daily measurements and control as well as procedures such as calibration, verification and maintenance were considered. The new developments in the online turbidity meter range can be used to save time, money and water as the instruments are optimised for drinking water applications with low range accuracy.

Key Features:

  • Smart interface – rethinking the controller
  • Simplified and streamlined processes
  • Better Workflow - more solutions and less problems
  • Low maintenance design - saves time and money
  • Unsurpassed accuracy
  • Regulatory Compliant – meet EPA and ISO regulatory requirements
  • Two ways to Interface
  • Easy calibration and verification
  • Different users with individual roles
  • Data management, cleaning and maintenance with intuitive touch screen
  • Smart control even of several devices via the Aqua LXP App
  • Economical T-CALplus® standards for verification and calibration without bubbles and safe handling
  • Unrivalled low flow rates of 30 to 150 ml/min (70% less than other devices)
  • Stable, drift-free and durable LED light sources
  • Design of the measuring body and flow pattern prevent deposits
  • Integrated bubble trap for trouble-free measurement

Simplified and Streamlined Processes:

The experts that developed the PTV Series decided to take a new approach - one that considers every aspect of the process turbidity workflow. From the installation and setup; daily measurement and control; routine procedures like calibration; to data collection and management, everything is made simplier for the users ease and delivers accurate results.

Low Maintenance Design - Saves Time and Money:

The low maintenance design of the PTV Series allows users to save money and time when using the online turbidity meter. The turbidity meters have no need for a light bulb, are easy to clean and have safe calibration procedures. The low volume flow body provides faster response to turbidity spikes and uses less water and calibration standards. Compared to similar instruments, the PTV series has an optimal flow rate of 40 to 80ml per minute which over a lifetimes means over 1 million gallons of water is saved!

Touchscreen Interface:

The online turbidity meters have integrated touchscreens where all settings and routine functions such as calibration can be managed directly without the need for additional devices. Using the touchscreen interface means that there are no extras to install as the turbidity meters are built directly into the sensor, simply connect the measurement module to the power supply and it is ready to go. Control settings and setting security preferences can be done directly on the touchscreen making it quick and easy to install.

The initiative menu screen helps with guiding through major steps as it prompts you along when performing key actions. The menu structure is simple and makes everything easy to find what you may be looking for. Results can be viewed effortlessly on the online turbidity meter as the design is made to be viewed from 15 feet away and it is backlit. Critical test information will always be visible to the user as there are indications whether the outputs are active, being held or if any alarms are active also. The colours on the touchscreen also help indicate status – green meaning everything is performing correctly, yellow indicates a warning to be investigated and red is an alarm status or malfunction.

AquaLXP™ Interface:

The AquaLXP™ app is the enhanced version of the touchscreen; it can perform all the same functions as the touchscreen as well as having some additional features. The users can access animated instructions for all procedures, advanced data analysis and statistics tools, complete maintenance and repair logs whilst having the comfort of using a familiar device. Bluetooth is an optional accessory on any PTV turbidity meter and choosing it can enable bidirectional communication between the PTV and the AquaLXP™ app. The app allows the user to have step by step instructions at their fingertips. This ensures that everyone has the same set of procedures and the important details to achieve excellent measurement are followed every time.

Using the app also means that the user can access the complete instrument history of every logged reading, calibration, verification, cleaning and other maintenance performed on the sensor at any time. It also makes it easy for any operator, supervisor or regulator to confirm that verifications/calibrations, cleaning or maintenance are performed on time. The AquaLXP™ can easily generate meaningful data which can help in identifying trends faster as it can be viewed for a selected period as a table or graph. Important values such as upper and lower control limits, and percentage compliance can be quickly calculated. The app allows users to add notes if there is an unexpected spike that can help for future reference if that happens again.

Variations of the PTV:

The PTV 1000 has various optics; the infrared light which is an ISO Process Turbidity Meter and the white LED which is an EPA process Turbidity Meter. The accuracy of the PTV 1000 is ± 2 % of reading from 0 to 10 NTU and ± 4 % of reading between 10 to 100 NTU.

The PTV 2000 uses a Red LED and is an EPA Process Turbidity Meter. The accuracy of the PTV 2000 is ±2 Percent of reading or smaller 0.008 / 8 mNTU.

The PTV 1000 and 2000 are online turbidity meters for a low measuring range. The primary range of measurement for these are: 0.010 to 10 FNU / NTU (drinking water). They are not designed for continuous monitoring of surface water, wastewater, control of industrial wastewater or monitoring high levels of turbidity above 10 FNU / NTU for long periods of time.

The PTV 6000 is a Class 1 Laser Product that includes an interlocked, non-serviceable, Class 3B laser. It possesses highly improved optical qualities to yield a very stable process measurement system. This can provide additional information that a stand turbidity meter cannot, and it uses an RSD parameter.

PTV Series & 2000 vs. A Standard Turbidity Measurement:

Both the PTV 1000 and 2000 were compared to a popular standard turbidity meter in a drinking water filtration plant to see which had the better result. All the instruments were logged via the Modbus and they were set with the same data log interval. The PTV 1000 and 2000 both required a sample flow rate that was lower than the standard turbidity meter to yield an equivalent response time. This will have a substantial impact on sample consumption in the long term. The results of the tests can be found on the PTV 1000 Whitepaper and the PTV 200 Whitepaper.


The PTV Series are used in industries such as food and beverage, water testing in public pools, water quality testing in wastewater, the pharmaceutical industry and many more!

Want to Find Out More?

If you want more information on the PTV Series, contact a member of our sales team today!

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